Singing Angels at Our Lady’s

A concert of the children’s choir from St John’s, Śpiewających Aniołków or the Singing Angels – took place on Thursday 24th October at 7pm, in Our Lady’s Church, Perth. There hosts were the Union of Catholic Mothers. Michelle Longhorn compered the evening and, on behalf of the UCM, gave a vote of thanks. “Thanks to all who came along in …

Italian Association pilgrims visit Rome and Sorrento

The Italian Association’s annual programme includes a Christmas Dinner Dance; a November Mass for the Dead in Italian in Glasgow, theatre visits to Pitlochry in December and June each year – stopping for their afternoon tea along the way; an Italian Film night; the Carnivale Masked Ball on Shrove Tuesday…. a May Procession and  October Devotions. Time too to raise …

Blessed John Henry Newman

We will celebrate the canonisation of Blessed John Henry Newman on Sunday 13th October. This is a time of special grace for us to join together and form links in a great chain of prayer, where we call upon the soon-to-be Saint to crown our prayers with his intercession in heaven. We encourage you to form links in that chain …

How we should act at Mass

Contemplate the words of CS Lewis from The Joyful Christian: “There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civilization — these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit — immortal horrors …