Poland 100th Anniversary Mass

11-go Listopada w niedzielę przypada 100 rocznica odzyskania przez Polskę Niepodległości. Nasze główne świętowanie, wraz z Mszą św. za Ojczyznę będziemy celebrować w Station Hotel w Perth. O godz. 12:00pm rozpoczniemy Mszą św. za naszą Ojczyznę, następnie będzie poczęstunek i akademia szkolna przygotowana przez dzieci z Centrum Edukacyjnego „Bajka” po czym jak przystało na taką rocznicę będzie tort urodzinowy i …

WWI Roll of Honour – St John’s Catholic School

“Being the names of those past scholars of this school, who, in Lord Kitchener’s appeal for King and Country, saw the gleam of duty and followed it:-” Perth School Board Minutes, Period 1914-1919, p777

Polish All Saints Ball – 2018

Celebrating the Eve of All Hallows in the Polish way. No witches or goblins and not a pumpkin or a turnip lantern in sight. Dressed up – as their favourite saints – the clue is in the name.

A fond farewell and a warm welcome

Mgr Martin will celebrate all the Masses in St John’s this weekend, before leaving us to take up his new posts. On Monday 3rd September we welcome our new parish priest, Canon Steven Mulholland. Fr Bodgan, Deacon Kryz and Deacon Len, the Parish Pastoral Council and all the parishioners thank Mgr Martin for his service here at St John’s over …

Iona Pilgrims

Pupils from St John’s RC Academy, Perth, were accompanied by their chaplain, Mgr Martin Drysdale, on the school’s annual pilgrimage to Iona. There was time to take in the stunning western isles scenery along the way with a visit to Tobermore en route. On Iona the group walked to St Columba’s Bay, where Columba first landed in Scotland from his …

International Party – song, dance and delicacies

The parish of St John the Baptist, Perth, continues to be enriched its international communities. In the early years, Scottish Highlanders and the Irish communities arrived in Perth in search of a better way of life. The Italians and a first generation of Polish families joined the parish during the 20th century. Their contribution over the past 175 and more …

Extreme Stations of the Cross

Preparing to celebrate the Extreme Way of the Cross (EDK), 22 pilgrims receive a blessing from Fr Ronnie McAinsh as they set off from St John’s, Perth. The parish had just completed a week-long Mission led by the Redemptorists from St Mary’s Kinnoull. St John’s parishioner and Ekstremalna Droga Krzyżowa coordinator, Jaromir Kruczynski said, “The Extreme Stations of the Cross …

Rekolekcje Wielkopostne 2018

Dzisiaj nasza Polska wspólnota rozpoczyna święty czas rekolekcji wielkopostnych. Rekolekcje potrwają do środy włącznie. Wszystkie nasze spotkania będą wieczorem o godz. 7pm. Rekolekcje wygłosi Fr Bartłomiej Parys SVD, z zakonu Ojców Werbistów pracujący obecnie w Maynooth, Irlandia. Witamy bardzo serdecznie Fr Bartłomieja w naszej polskiej wspólnocie i parafii św. Jana Chrzciciela i otaczamy naszą modlitwą prosząc o dary Ducha św. …

Mission Programme – 18-23 March

Download a copy of the programme for our Parish Mission here. The Mission is being led by the Redemptorist Fathers, Fr Gerry Mulligan and Fr Ronnie McAinsh from St Mary’s, Kinnoull, and you are invited to come along and join us each day.