Aid for Uganda from St John’s, Perth

Sr Mary is very thankful to everyone who donated and supported events resulting in Ann and Rosanna delivering a cheque for a wonderful amount of £6000.

Society of the Divine Saviour SDS

The Founder of the Salvatorians, the Servant of God Fr Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan was born 16th June 1848, in a poor, rural family in Gurtweil, the archdiocese of Freiburg. At the age of 30, he was ordained a priest. As a seminarian, he felt that God was called him to found the Church’s apostolic work by fully …

Polish – All Saints Ball

Many aspects of life in Scotland have made her largely migrant Polish population feel ‘at home’ and welcome. At the same time, certain traditions have appeared more incomprehensible. Halloween, with its recent even stronger American overtones seems to be a step too far. Halloween would have be difficult enough, but it is followed closely with the anniversary of the Gunpowder …

UCM’s 70th Anniversary Mass

Members of the Union of Catholic Mothers at St John’s, Perth, celebrated the 70th Anniversary of their foundation. Bishop Stephen Robson celebrated Mass together with Fr Michael Carrie, Diocesan UCM Chaplain, and priests from throughout the diocesan who had served at St John’s, or as UCM chaplain over many years. National President, Pauline Porter, a member of the Perth branch, …

Newsletter, 13 August ’17 Download our latest weekly bulletin here.

Papal Award for Church Journalist, teacher and youth worker

Bishop Stephen Robson, Bishop of Dunkeld, presented the ‘Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice’ Medal to Mr Andrew Mitchell at the end of Mass in St John the Baptist’s RC Church, Perth, on Sunday 6th August. The Papal Medal, also known as the ‘Cross of Honour’, is the highest that can be awarded by the Pope to a lay person for distinguished …

Newsletter, 9 July 2017 Download our latest weekly newsletter here.