Way of the Cross with a difference

During Lent 2017, two St John’s parishioners Jaromir and Magda Kruczynski chose to celebrate 10 years of marriage by embarking on a very challenging Way of the Cross. Last year Jaromir had walked the EDK on his own but this year, marking their 10th wedding anniversary, Jaromir asked Magda if she would walk together and she said “Yes!” The couple …

Parish youth project closes

The parish Youth Group held its final meeting at the end of last term. This parish project, which began six years ago, was led initially by Frankie McGuire and for the past two years by Justyna Jablonska. As Justyna approaches the end of her degree studies there is no obvious successor and so the Pastoral Parish Council has taken the …

Polish Saturday School – 10th anniversary

A school in Perth has been hailed for keeping Polish children and those with connections to the eastern European community in touch with their history and culture. The Perth Polish Saturday School celebrated its 10th anniversary and a special ‘Jubilee’ reception was held at North Inch Community Campus on March 4. On Saturdays the school based at St John’s Academy …

Newsletter, 15 January 2017

http://www.stjohns-perth.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/newsletterPERTH-1-2.pdf Download our latest weekly newsletter here.

Newsletter, 8th January ’16

http://www.stjohns-perth.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/newsletterPERTH-1.pdf Download our latest weekly newsletter here.

Polish War Graves Service

Jak co roku zapraszamy do udziału w nabożeństwie modlitewnym przy grobach polskich żołnierzy poległych w czasie pierwszej i drugiej wojny światowej na cmentarzu w Perth w dniu 6 listopada o godz. 3pm. Po nabożeństwie udamy się do kościoła św. Jana Chrzciciela gdzie będzie odprawiona Msza św. o godz. 4pm. Zapraszamy do udziału w tych uroczystościach!

All Saints Ball

Perth’s Polish community restores the true mean of Halloween at their All Saints Ball. In St John the Baptist Church Hall, on the Eve of the Feast of All Saints, families gathered for a traditional party to celebrate the ‘All Hallows ‘E’en’. All of the children came dressed as their favourite saint and there was a great festival of song …

Jubilee for Sick and Elderly

Deacon Len Moir, St John’s RC Church, Perth, proclaims the Gospel at a Jubilee Mass for the Sick and Elderly celebrated in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee, by Bishop Stephen Robson.

Newsletter, 2 October ’16

http://www.stjohns-perth.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/newsletterPERTH-5.pdf Download our latest newsletter here.

Coffee Morning success

£836 was raised at a Coffee Morning held in support at St John’s RC Church, Perth, in support of the work done at the Cornhill Drop-In Centre in the city. Coordinator Aileen Wallace said, “It was terrific to have so much support for this worthwhile cause. We are especially grateful to the Co-op at Bridgend who supplied many of the …