Papal Blessing for Scotland’s Italian Chapel

Pope Francis has sent a special blessing to mark the 70th anniversary of one of Scotland’s most unusual landmarks. The Italian Chapel in Orkney was built during the Second World War by Italian POWs and has since become the island’s number one tourist attraction. In his message, Pope Francis prays; “that this Chapel, built in time of war, may continue …

St Margaret’s Adoption Agency

Scotland’s first dedicated Catholic centre for the family opens this weekend (16 November 2013) on the feast of St Margaret of Scotland. St Margaret’s Children and Family Care Society, is expanding its services and moving into bigger and better accommodation. The Agency which is currently awaiting a ruling from the Scottish Charities Appeal Tribunal on whether it will be allowed …

Pope Benedict – Bellahouston Mass

IT WAS not the roar of the crowds at Bellahouston Park, but their silence. For eight magical – or should that be spiritual – minutes, 70,000 men, women and children stood alone with their thoughts and prayers and waited as, in a small mobile office at the back of the vast expansive altar, the successor of St Peter robed himself …

James Ward – first headteacher at St Columba’s High School, Perth

Mr James Ward, first headmaster of St Columba’s Secondary in Perth, died recently at the age of 93. His Requiem Mass was concelebrated by Father Ken McCaffrey, parish priest of Our Lady of Lourdes, Canon Ken McBride, Father Tony McCarthy and Father Eugene O’Sullivan. Canon Basil O’Sullivan was present at the Reception of Remains. Paying tribute to him, Father McCaffrey …

Mr James Begg, RIP

Mr James Begg, headmaster of John’s R.C. School, Perth, and a leading figure in the Roman Catholic community in Perth, died suddenly to-day. Mr Begg was attending school duties yesterday, and his death his home, 3 Goodlyburn Terrace, was due to a heart attack. He had been headmaster of St John’s R.C. School, Perth, for 17 years. He took over …

Perth Catholic Church – Grand Bazzar

FUNDS FOR WAR MEMORIAL AND RENOVATION SCHEME Members of St John’s Catholic Church, Perth, have organised a Grand Bazaar and Fancy Fair for the purposes securing funds in aid of the church war memorial and restoration scheme. The Bazaar, which is being held in the City Halls, had a delightful send off yesterday, and before the last purchase is made …