Anniversary Mass – Mgr Hendry

Bookings for this Mass opened at 6pm on Sunday 25th April – all places have now been booked. On 30th April 2021, Holy Mass will be celebrated at 12noon in St Mary Magdalene’s to pray for the repose of the soul of Mgr Hendry on the first anniversary of his death. Please book here to reserve a place – a …

Special collections – 2021

St Margaret Family Care Society Crib donations  Holy Places 2nd April – Good Friday The Apostolate of Communications 16th May. – 7th Sunday of Easter The Day for Life 30th May – Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Peter’s Pence 27th June – Solemnity of St Peter & St Paul The Apostleship of the Sea 11th July – 15th Sunday of the Year Bishops’ Mensal Fund 1st August – 18th Sunday of the Year Lepra …

Sunday giving envelopes

Gift Aid Boxes are now available to be picked up from the Sacristy or front door at this weekend Masses.

Prisoners’ Rosary for our Parish

We are grateful for the thoughts and prayers of the Catholic faithful held currently in HMP Glenochil who will be praying the Rosary especially for our parish on Friday 26 March 2021. Please let us unite our prayers with them. Hail Mary, full of grace….