Scriptural threads make a beautiful gift for a new generation

Youngsters at St John the Baptist’s Church, Perth, were presented with a unique resource, inspired and created with the support of Younger Conservation Ltd (YCL), Perth. Four exquisitely painted and embroidered quilts, based on the idea of the Jesse Tree, as described by the Prophet Isaiah, ‘A shoot shall come out of the stock of Jesse, and a branch shall …

Chóru Dziecięcego

Cicha noc, święta noc, Pokój niesie ludziom wszem A u żłobka Matka Święta Czuwa sama uśmiechnięta Nad Dzieciątka snem, Nad Dzieciątka snem. Cicha noc, święta noc, Pastuszkowie od swych trzód Biegną wielce zadziwieni, Za anielskim głosem pieni Gdzie się spełnił cud, Gdzie się spełnił cud. Cicha noc, święta noc, Narodzony Boży Syn, Pan wielkiego majestatu Niesie dziś całemu światu Odkupienie …

Wesołych Świąt – Narodził się Chrystus Król!

Imagine the delight for Perth’s Polish Community Link Worker, Dorota Marciniec, when she opened this music video promoting her brother-in-law’s newest Christmas release. Entitled, Christ the King is Born’, Marcin Pokusa’s video features his wife, her sister, Agata, their two children and friends as their prepare to celebrate a very traditional Polish Christmas. “Marcin’s music is always a joy to …

Primary Nativity Play

P2 pupils at St John’s Academy, Perth, retold the Christmas Story in their traditional Nativity Play. This year, the production was based on ‘The Sleepy Shepherd’, a hugely successful nativity play from leading children’s writer, Niki Davies. Parents, families and friends were introduced to the story through the tale of a lovable shepherd who just couldn’t keep awake. Would he …