Perth Catholic Church – Grand Bazzar

FUNDS FOR WAR MEMORIAL AND RENOVATION SCHEME Members of St John’s Catholic Church, Perth, have organised a Grand Bazaar and Fancy Fair for the purposes securing funds in aid of the church war memorial and restoration scheme. The Bazaar, which is being held in the City Halls, had a delightful send off yesterday, and before the last purchase is made …

A memorial to Bishop Rigg

Following the death of Bishop George Rigg appeal was made thought the pages of The Tablet to fund the completion of the building of St John’s Church, Perth. Bishop Rigg was he first Bishop of Dunkeld following the Restoration of the Catholic Hierarchy in Scotland.

Re-opening of St John the Baptist’s RC Church – 9th May 1849

Perthshire Advertiser 3rd May 1849 ST JOHN’S CATHOLIC CHURCH WILL BE SOLEMNLY RE-OPENED ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 9th 1849 The Right Reverend the l.ord Bishop of Ceramis, Rt. Rev. Andrew Carruthers, will be attended by his Clergy The morning service, at Eleven o’clock, when High Mass will be celebrated and a sermon delivered. The Vespers Service, at 3pm.; after which a …