UCM Advent Coffee Morning

The Perth-based Union of Catholic Mothers (UCM) hosted a delightful Advent Coffee Morning on Saturday, 7th December, in the parish halls at St John the Baptist Catholic Church, Perth. The event was warmly supported by parishes from across the Fair City and beyond, raising over Β£300 for the UCM’s chosen charity, Children First.

Back (L-R) Netta Pavlak or Ella Sidey?, Georgina Coyle, Granny Smeaton
Front (L-R) ????, Margaret Davies, ????

Adding to the nostalgic charm of the occasion, a photo from an earlier coffee morning, believed to be from the late 1940s, was shared ahead of the event on the Auld Perth Bairns Facebook page. The post stirred fond memories of the “Mithers” and sparked lively discussions among followers, some of whom even identified lost names to the faces in the photo. The APB page continually delights with its treasure trove of long-lost memories.

A highlight of the morning was a performance by the Polish ‘Singing Angels’ choir, whose enthusiastic rendering of Advent Carols captivated the audience. Branch President, Lynda Jones, praised the choir for their uplifting contribution and expressed heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported the event.

The festivities concluded with a Grand Raffle, adding an exciting finale to a successful morning.

The UCM meets every second Tuesday throughout the year in St John’s Church Hall and warmly welcomes new members – and old friends too!